Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Cure the Flu Naturally With Vitamin D

While the change in seasons means beautiful fall foliage and often gorgeous weather, it also means that cold and flu season is upon us. According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin D3 may be as effective as a flu shot in preventing the flu.

The study looked at two groups of 167 children each. One group received vitamin D supplements while the other took a placebo. Almost twice as many kids in the placebo group came down with the flu during the 4 month study..!

The amount of D3 that these kids received was well above the usual RDA, which is 200 IU per day. These students were taking 1200 IU daily.

With flu season fast approaching, now is the time to pick up a D3 supplement or start upping your intake of dietary D3 sources. A word of caution: since vitamin D is fat soluble, it is possible to overdose on the stuff. You should not take more than 2000 IU of vitamin D each day.
The Sunshine Vitamin
One of the best ways to get more vitamin D is to play outdoors! It’s the only vitamin that your body can produce naturally, and we use the power of sunlight to synthesize it. Even 15 minutes playing in the sun without sunscreen a few times a week can make a difference.
Dietary Sources of D3
The only significant non-fortified, non-animal source of dietary D3 is mushrooms. A cup of mushrooms provides just over 160 IU of D3.

Many grain, soy, and dairy products are supplemented with D3. Some juices are fortified, too. The vitamin D content of food is usually expressed in micrograms, so you may need to bring your calculator. For vitamin D, one microgram is about 40 IU.

Seafood is also a good source of dietary D3, especially fatty fish like herring and salmon. source: www.care2.com

A Few Minutes to Better Health

If you have only 5-10 extra minutes in your day, try these simple tips to look and feel better. I’ve tried them all, and they really work..!
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee. Research studies show that caffeine keeps heart rhythm steady, and strengthens your ticker.
  • Pamper your neglected joints. Mix some lemon juice with a little pure cream and sugar. Rub this gently all over your elbows and knees. The Vitamin C in lemon lightens skin, the cream moisturizes it, and the sugar exfoliates.
  • Spend five extra minutes on chewing your food-aim for 20 seconds per bite. The Red Cross warns in its booklet on cardiopulmonary resuscitation that bolting food is a common cause of windpipe obstruction and clogged coronaries. Taking small, slow bites kickstarts your digestive juices even before the food reaches your stomach. Besides, it makes you mindful of what you are eating, so you tend to eat less, and feel less stressed.
  • Sip a tall glass of warm water, slowly. It is an excellent way to get the toxins on their way out of your body.
  • Practice real breathing. When you inhale, try to breathe into your diaphragm. This will give more oxygen to your brain and lungs and lend a glow to your skin. Do it for just 10 minutes twice a day, and you will feel the difference.
  • Trim your toenails. Besides making you feel cleaner, spending time with your body will also boost self-image. source: www.care2.com

Spa Foot Therapy - Easy Spa Treats to Try at Home

Actually a lot of ways you can do a spa treatment at home easily one of which is with to buy a sachet of lavender mineral salts and a small bottle of lavender essential oil. Fill comfortably warm water in a deep bowl or small bucket, add the mineral salts, and slide feet into it. Relax for a few minutes while you flip through your favorite magazine, listen to music or simply close your eyes and drift away.

Afterwards, pour a few drops of the lavender oil into half a cup of sugar, and treat your feet to an exfoliating scrub-cum-massage. Wash it all off and apply a good quality moisturizing lotion or cream all over feet, again taking the opportunity to knead stressed-out muscles. Home sweet spa..! source: www.care2.com

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Scalp Care

Sometimes you are only concerned with the long hair and beautiful, but ignoring your scalp. The result can arise dandruff and itching. Before that happens, let your scalp care!

In order to keep your scalp healthy, then the shampoo is a basic thing you should do. Beforehand. You need to know the type of your scalp first. With proper care, guaranteed healthy your scalp and hair will be maintained even thrives.

Dry Scalp: you should wash it 4 times a week and a separate shampoo and conditioner. For the straight hair, you should avoid using too much conditioner, because it will make the hair look limp. As for the curly-haired, may use more conditioner.

Oily Scalp: for this type of scalp, wash your hair every day is allowed. Use a shampoo and conditioner separately, because the use conditioner only on the strands of hair, avoid the scalp so that hair is not drenched.

Normal Scalp: wash your hair three times a week, except that often have outdoor activities that can cause sweat or exposed pollution.