Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cleanliness of The Female Organs

Cleanliness of the female organs need to be treated every day, especially for women who have an active sex life or are menstruating, to help prevent vaginal problems such as vaginal infections, urinary tract infections or other disorders.

Cleanliness is not cared for properly can result in vaginal irritation, such as allergic reactions to chemicals contained in sanitary napkins, creams, spermicides and vaginal cleaning fluid.

Recommendation for cleanliness the female organs
  1. Clean up the genitals every day thoroughly at least once a day
  2. Avoid using soaps that contain perfumes because it can cause irritation
  3. Make it a habit to wash the vagina from front (urinary tract) to rear (the anus) to avoid a vaginal infection by bacteria from the anus
  4. Avoid the use of tight pants, wear cotton underwear


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