Dyslipidemia is a condition in which levels of Fat in the blood rises above normal limits. Fats that have increased include cholesterol, triglycerides or combination of both.
Cholesterol is an essential element found in all human cell membranes and is a structural component of steroid hormones and bile acid. The absence of cholesterol in the body can lead the disruption of its body functions and can cause death. That's why the cholesterol levels should be kept within certain limits, should not be too much and also not be too little.
Triglycerides is a important component of fat for transferring energy from food into body cells. Lipoprotein is divided into several types based on its density. The density is based on the number of cholesterol, triglycerides and apoprotein that exist.
Lipoprotein that has the highest density and the Lowest density are called High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), known as the nice cholesterol. Lipoprotein with lower density is called Low Density Lipoprotein. While the type of lipoprotein that has the lowest density and the biggest density is called Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDL).
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) has potential to cause health problems, this LDL has increased in accordance with age and normal limit LDL higher in men than women, Hyperlipidemia can develop into atherosclerosis that it would lead to the cardiovascular disorders.
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